Too much to mention !!!

Created by Elizabeth one year ago

Grace where do I start ! 
When I first met Debbie all them years back , yes we are talking early 1990s , you were just known to me as Debbie’s mum, then over the years you became our friend and like family ( as all you marsdens are). 
I remember one time when you and my mum Sandra had to have a MEETING because me and Debbie were up to no good ha !!  I think we were about 13 years old. 
Can you believe this now!
Me and Debbie did cause you no end of worry and stress with all our shenanigans but what is so special about you and my mum is that you always stood by us and loved us! No matter what. 
This is priceless 💖 and something that lasts forever ……..

In our teenage years we always had a blast and you took me and debbie out, i remember going to the community centre for the dog club party eek and you took me and Debbie to a theme park! Overnight stay too! What a treat. 

Then let’s fast forward a lot of bloody years on and Grace you are with us all celebrating (my daughters) Lauren’s hen do! 
Games are on the go and if you get it wrong ! Yes let’s guess it you need to take a shot. 
Everyone is forfeiting and Grace you take a few for the team ! One photo shows you all with seruos faces ! I wonder what you were all talking about

By end of the night though we were all merry to say the least!  So happy you were with us to share these special moments and did we have a giggle ! Yes we did! 

Grace you are loved 🥰 and we will never forgot you xx
